Friday 18 July 2008

Mental Health Day

Earlier this week, my wise and wonderful husband encouraged me to take today off work. I knew I married that man for a reason - he's a genius, and this was one of his best ideas yet. Basically the plan is to spend the day charging my batteries (both literally and metaphorically - ha!) for the day of many photos tomorrow.

So far I've slept in, had a long bath, spoken to my brother in Australia and spent ages just stroking the cat. My next job (ha! Like having a bath was a job!) was to clear my memory cards of the hundreds (literally - hundreds and hundreds) of flash practice shots I've taken over the last week and a bit. These have got to be the worst shots in the history of my camera - you saw the cat as victim earlier in the week, and since then I've convinced a few friends to pose while I run back and forward adjusting things and overexposing their faces. One friend, bless him, let me gatecrash his picnic with his mother so I could practise outside, but I faithfully promised him to immediately delete all the evidence so I won't be posting any of those. Out of the hundreds I took, in amongst the ghostly white faces and red eyes, I found three I wanted to save from the general data purge. Number one:

Some male bonding. It was J who discovered that Kevin will freely give out cat kisses. Told you he was a genius. Next:

I'm quite happy with the lighting on this one of my friend H- bounce flash success! And last:

Just because it was still on one of the cards- my favourite shot from our Italy trip.

Right. I'm off to eat some jellybeans and read the manual one more time. Happy Friday everyone!

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