After the minor disaster zone that was yesterday, I've had to make a few resolutions to get me through today. Here they are:
1. I will not spill a box of cereal on the floor
2. I will not try to make both dinner and a bunch of baby food in half an hour
3. I will not, as a direct result of rushing from (2), cut my finger and sever a little vein
4. I will not allow the cat to push a lightbulb off the table and then play in the resulting broken glass. Actually, that already was today. I will not allow him to do this
5. I will not stress if the babies smear orange food in each others hair, but calmly move their seats further apart
6. I will not go anywhere that means I will need to nod and smile along at about forty labour and birth stories
7. I will not worry that finding (6) difficult means that I don't really love the babies
8. I will not have any visitors
9. I will not try to get a double pushchair onto the bus
10. I will cut myself some slack.
11. I will limit myself to 10 resolutions for one day.