Here I am, practising looking lovingly at my little one, all wrapped up in the moby lotus hold:

Newborn cradle hold this time, still with the bonding face on, like someone slipped me too much oxytocin:

I think that probably someone needs to tell me that all I'm cuddling is a stuffed rabbit. She is cute, though, isn't she?
Bearing in mind that I haven't tried it out with an actual baby, I have to say that my first impressions of this wrap were very positive. It feels very comfortable, and I really like the fact that you tie the wrap in one way, and then there are several choices of how to put the baby in once it is tied - you don't need to learn seven different knotting techniques. One bad point I should note, though - the instructions were remarkably sketchy on where to place the baby's tail.
J clearly isn't taking this as seriously as me:

The evening sort of went downhill from there. He seemed to think that the length of black cloth had given him magical ninja abilities:
(he was wrong). Although I later talked him into trying the twin hug hold:

You know. Just in case.
In other news: Yesterday, it was exactly a year ago since we met this little man (top pic is his referral pic): 

We love you, Kevin. You're not very bright, and you shed your fur EVERYWHERE, but you've been a very bright spot in an otherwise difficult year. This is why I get up in the morning:

And this is why I come home at night.

We promise not to forget you once we have a hoomin baby to love.