

I'm thrilled to let you know that Hypothetical Future Baby: An Unsentimental Adoption Memoir is finally out! At the moment, it's available in paperback and on Kindle - I'll post Nook, Kobo and Apple ibooks links as soon as they are live. 

Here are the links:

During the interminable wait to publish, I made these postcards for my book. I'm hoping that those of use who have been through the adoption process can relate. If, like me, you love to pin.... here's something for you.

1 comment:

  1. I just got your book in the mail! So here's a huge compliment for you: I am so excited to start it that I am going to forgo my plan of Downton Abbey during my daughter's nap and instead make a cup of tea and start reading!!! Thanks in advance, I have loved your blog for years (pre and post adoption!) and so happy to share your success in publishing.


Over to you!