Recently, life has been teaching me some difficult but important lessons. Here are some of them.
Lesson 1: One of the biggest temptations that we, as wealthy westerners, face is the temptation to think 'just one more thing and then I'll be happy'. But we never are happy, are we? New car, new clothes, new house... they always disappoint. But do you know what NEVER disappoints?
New storage. New storage never disappoints. My living room is so tidy now; I just want to rub my face against this thing and nuzzle with it.
Lesson 2: Never buy shampoo at the dollar store.
Lesson 3: You should rarely (if EVER) write blog posts in the
second person. You probably want to communicate something important but don't want to be direct about it. You may be taking out your frustration against a person who will never actually read what you are writing. You probably have the best of intentions. However, you might be interested to know that some people find it irritating. You run a big risk of becoming passive-aggressive. You don't want to be that person, do you? No, you don't. (
Are you annoyed yet? See what I did there?)
Lesson 4: Life goes in cycles, and that's okay. About eight months ago, I was so ground down by this mothering thing that I wrote
this post. I found it again about two months ago and thought 'whew! I'm so glad I'm not THERE any more! I'm glad I'll never have to be back in
that place!' And then suddenly, this month, I am again. I feel like a broken record, always saying "No
hitting mama and no
biiiiting mama. No hitting the cat. No biting your sister. No weapons, you two,
NO WEAPONS!" I am worn out. A month ago, things felt really good. I wish that had been forever but it wasn't. This probably won't be forever either. It's a cycle. In the meantime I'm hiding the knives.
Lesson 5: On a related note: when infant teething seems like a distant, long-ago memory, along come the two-year-old molars. Beware.
Lesson 6: Don't leave it four months in between uploading photos. It makes the task of posting them seem increasingly impossible with each passing week.
Lesson 7: When in doubt, probably a few randomly chosen photos are better than no photos at all. Even if they are absolutely out of order, span four months and two continents. Which leads me to:
me and my boy. |
Me and my boy. And my girl. And my other boy. |
The boy and the girl and the other boy and the other girl. Okay, this is getting old already. |
Sometimes life really IS about running through a field of daisies |
This picture is from when, APRIL??? Pink and Blue with Holli K's gorgeous kids, S&S. |
cousins = best thing ever |
This picture has everything required to make Pink and Blue happy. 1) Miffy the Rabbit (who they call Baby, for reasons that are not clear to me) 2) Miffy ON TELEVISION - first time I played that DVD they went absolutely spiral - they couldn't believe that baby had come to life 3) a tutu 4) another tutu - Blue's love for tulle will not be denied 5) actually, that's it. Mostly they act like their existence is nothing but a vale of tears, but in this photo, their life was perfect.
This is what I see ALL THE TIME. Just imagine he's saying 'Wattss bee-bee? Wattss bee-bee?' and you are LIVING MY LIFE. (Wattss bee-bee = Watch baby, ie Miffy) |
she LOVES to hide |
Have I mentioned these two love Shades of People? They really, really REALLY love Shades of People. |
Wonky parts and all; I was ridiculously proud of this hairstyle. (If you look closely, there's a little crown of joined twists). It lasted approximately seventeen minutes. |
yeah, this was clearly going to end in tears. This was just after the cornrows came out. |
after a bath |
the ballet love continues |
How grown up! He's riding a scooter! (Except he's not, he's just standing on a scooter and
leaning a bit. But wow, he looks grown up in this picture). |
And she's on a bike! This is what J thought fatherhood was going to be like EVERY day.
Boy was he wrong. |
hiding-behind-a-tree-while-C-takes-a-photo-of-the-kids-FAIL |
This pony is not fast enough. I want another. |
Hey, cat... how's that diet coming? |
Family photo session in Australia... My sister and her crew |
Technically, the best of our family shots |
My bro and his little boy. Of course, 'bro' is what I call him in real life. All the time. |
making a break for freedom. I was feeling a bit the same by this point, little guy. |
upside down is still where it's at for my two |
Be still my beating heart. |
Recreation of a family portrait taken in 1987. Outfits? Not planned. What can I say?
My whole family just really, REALLY likes blue. EXACTLY THE SAME SHADE OF BLUE. |
cousins! Still the best thing ever. Even when they are different cousins. The cuteness does not discriminate by continent. |
This magic mirror turned me into a girl. |
It's never too early to think about your long-term mobility needs |
I loved this shot. Until I noticed my nose. |
I'm never touching that blue thing again |
But you said you LOVED me |
Not posed. |
Lesson 9: When it's really late at night, the pictures are only halfway done and the blogger picture uploader has creaked and groaned stopped working, there is only one obvious path: save to draft, shut down computer, try again, fail, finally get around to installing windows live writer, realise I don't know how to use windows live writer, consider whether it is worth upgrading the computer's operating system, do some research on amazon about prices, dither, eventually fall asleep in this chair. The wiser path, which I plan to take (for once in my life) is: click publish on the pictures that are there already and and then GO TO BED. I'll post the others another day. Probably. But for now: goodnight to all, and to all a good night.