
Thursday, 29 October 2009

There is only one word to describe the first two nights with sick, grieving, confused twins



  1. Oh, girl. My heart goes out to all of you.

  2. You forgot, 'in a hotel room in a foreign country.'

    Hang on, it'll get better...

  3. Oh, man. You and they will get through it. Hang in there.

  4. Sickness will heal. Grief will turn to contentment. Confusion will pass. Love will remain. Hang in there, sweetie, you can do this.

  5. This will get better. It will. Hang in there. And congratulations!!!!!


  6. oh...we are praying for you and praying you will have wisdom, love, patience and perspective that can only come supernaturally! God picked you to be these babies Mama! We praying and trusting Him to provide and sustain you four!!!

  7. Cheering for you! You will be a pro soon! May the attachment process start, be short and quick! You are going to be a great mom!

  8. Sorry for the difficulties, sweetie. I'm hoping it all gets better soon. Many hugs.

  9. Don't feel bad if there is a little bit of OHMYGODWHATHAVEWEDONE in there too. There always is, and this too shall pass. Breathe deep and get as much sleep as you can!

  10. Poor babies and poor parents but ... happy parents nonetheless. Pictures and names ... cannot wait!!!

  11. hang in there! vent. tell people how you are feeling. reach out for whatever support there is. and know that this will pass. being twins is very fortunate for them and will be a great emotional help in time.

    no one can ever be prepared for how hard the truly difficult times of parenthood is.

  12. Oh- and also figure in how young they are AND that you're first time parents AND that you don't have close friends or family nearby to help you all settle in a bit with helpful hints and meals. It's big stuff going on right now for you guys- just trust that it WILL GET BETTER. It will.

    Congratulations on having them in your care... FINALLY!

  13. Not that this helps a ton, but one day in the not so distant future, you will look back on this and it will be a distant blur. PROMISE!

  14. Here's a selfish comment for you as you juggle screaming babies. I just found your blog. I LOVE it. I just spent an hour reading all of the archives and laughing my butt off. (Ok, only at the funny parts, not when you were crying on the couch with your ipod or feeling overwhelmed by tiny criers.) But now you have babies. And that means you will probably stop blogging as much. This keeps happening. I just wanted to say hello and introduce myself since your google counter will show a reader from Colorado all over your archives today. ~Amanda

  15. I remember my first night with my two, one of which had rota virus at the time. It was hard, but it does get so better. Grieving is hard, especially when you're so happy to have them, but they will fall in love with you soon. Hang in there.


Over to you!