
Tuesday 9 September 2014

Breaking News

So this happened today.

We are taking this very seriously

Although we are still pretty freakin' pleased with ourselves

but possibly not quite as pleased as Mummy. 

Honestly, it just seems like yesterday they were like this: 

Oh, that's right, NO IT DOESN'T. (Although of course it does, sort of). 

Seriously, though, did you ever see a cuter pair head off to school? No, you didn't. You did not. What you can't see is that they also insisted on taking matching Frozen lunchboxes (of course). It was adorable. Although after I took these photos, we got in the car and Blue asked me "Mummy, what does adorable mean?" so I may have overused that word a little bit today. But what could make me happier than a day on my own sending two excited, totally ready children to school in matching uniforms? Nothing, that's what. 

Pink told me yesterday that "When I go to school, Mummy, do you realise you are going to have to do ALL of the jobs around the house?" I managed not to say HAHAHAHAHAHA in her face, which took a great deal of self control. When she asked me about it again this afternoon, I told her that so far, I'm coping fine.

Apparently the day went well and they coped fine too. Afterwards they totally crashed, in every way, which was not a problem because I was expecting it, it was totally normal and reasonable and I'd had five hours of silence to prepare. They were in bed by 6.30 and asleep by 6.35, which officially makes this the best day ever. 

In other breaking news, I found out this afternoon, after school, that apparently the cat sat on the mat, whilst wearing a hat. Who knew, right? I'm extremely lucky to five-year-olds to tell me these things.  If a dog gets stuck in a bog and finds a log, I'll be sure to let you all know. In the meantime: CHAMPAGNE. 


  1. Aww, love it! Look at them *champagne glasses clink* welcome to the next chapter (& some hours on your own to enjoy too!)

  2. It sounds like an awesome day.

    Gwen has lately started asking "why mommy go to work?" when I drop her off at daycare (not in a worried or unhappy way, just the standard "why X"). I've taken to answering "to pay for you to go to daycare". Because we are all so much happier when she does. Though I LOVE LOVE LOVE that she's now old enough to answer the question "So what did you do today?" Because the answers range from "I ate muesli!" to "Oskar had a fire engine book!" I love finding out what things she finds awesome.

    1. Agree! I love those little windows into their tiny, crazy little minds.

  3. indeed, they are the cutest twins you ever did see :)

    I'm writing a post soon on holding back kids and such... I want you to comment because I'm desperate to know how things work in the UK and Aus!

    1. I would love to... and I can.... because I WILL HAVE SOME TIME!

  4. Cannot believe it. Yes, it WAS yesterday!! When did they get so leggy?

    They're so beautiful. And you had FIVE HOURS OF SILENCE. The cat must have been very confused.

    1. This is true. But then, our cat is VERY easily confused. So, that doesn't really prove anything :)

  5. OMG WHY? HOW? I don't think I've seen a full length pic in awhile because they look like KIDS!
    I have these moments with mine where I realize a bit of their "baby-ness" went away and was replaced with more of their "older-ness". Happy/sad.
    BTW, do you want to build a snowman?
    (I guess you didn't hear me because....)
    Do you want to build a snowmaaaaaaan?

    1. Sorry, Essie - can't build one of those with you because I need to keep my magical ice powers a secret. CONCEAL, DON'T FEEL. DON'T LET IT SHOW.

  6. every once in awhile, when I read stuff like this, I am wildly, seethingly jealous of people who have kids in school. I am writhing in "stop crying at me, talking to me, touching me, asking me shit" jealousy. Other times, I am great with what we do, today, jealous of your hours of silence, the cute uniforms. All of it.

    1. Did you read the bit about THE SILENCE????
      (Sorry to rub it in).

      On the other hand, I'm pretty jealous of your horse.

  7. Ok so Pink is quite absurdly beautiful as always. But Blue. Dang boy stealing my ever lovin heart!!! I love that bit o mischief in his eyes. Mostly because now the people you pay to keep them those 6 hours are going to have to deal with it!! YAY for Starbucks for hours on end!!

    And the baby picture makes me sad and schmoopy. Their cute faces kept me going when we waited in agony for our Pipsqueak. A time that seems not long enough ago (but of course I didn't deal with your terrors all day). And FWIW I consider today a great success because I simply survived.

  8. Isn't it WONDERFUL?!?! School days are my favorite!

  9. Yay, I'm glad you are enjoying every minute of it.

  10. How can mommy get all the work done without her little "helpers" ha ha ha ha

  11. I am totally jealous about the uniforms. You have no idea how much drama I go through every morning over THE OUTFIT.
    big heaving sigh.
    Oh, never mind the sighing, just pass the champagne! Cheers!

  12. I think I might start requiring Zinashi to wear a uniform when we do our schoolwork. Because that is honestly just too adorable. I am jealous of the uniforms and the silence.


Over to you!